
IAU Symposium 388 Proceedings

The Proceedings of the IAU Symposium 388 will be edited by the SOC co-chairs and published by the Cambridge University Press (CUP), Cambridge, UK. Instructions for preparing your paper(s) can be found in: Please download the zip file and all the relevant files provided there. Don’t forget to download and read the “README” file. Please use following TEX template -  iauguide_IAU388.tex

Papers to be published in the Proceedings will be collected in the online submission system, ScholarOne. Please submit your papers here: Select the relevant symposium from the drop-down menu.

The papers need to be peer-reviewed, proof-read, and submitted to CUP by August 10, 2024. Therefore, the authors are requested to be prompt in their submission right after the symposium. The submission deadline is June 15, 2024, about a month after the symposium.

Proceedings editors

  • Nat Gopalswamy, NASA/GSFC, USA (co-chair)

  • Olga Malandraki, National Observatory of Athens, Greece (co-chair)

  • Aline Vidotto, Leiden Observatory, Netherlands, (co-chair)

  • Ward Manchester, U. Michigan, USA (co-chair)